Monday, September 29, 2008

Ryu and Ken's Master in Action!


Anonymous said...

Wow, he looks so bad-ass!

Pondrepof said...

He does look pretty cool.. but that make 4 characters with fireball/whirlwind kick/dragon punch moves... 5 if your count Sagat...

Chaosturtle said...

three characters have dragon punch.. Ken has FLAMING DRAGON PUNCH!! and man.. the real moves for ryu ken are axe kick and footsweep. you can take over the world with those moves.

Pondrepof said...

I'll keep my Toe Tap and Flipping Neckbreaker thank you very much...

Anonymous said...

It seems as though each of the fireball fellas seem distinct enough this time around. Although I do catch your point.
Still, just a matter of time before I'm taking people on a spinning express elevator to pain with Zangief! Going Down!! WOO HOO. Pass the Mountain Dew!!