The intricacies of this show are astounding... the story and characters are deep and thoughtful, the action is awesome, there are cool robots, hot chicks, giant space battleships, political drama, mystical/spiritual drama, phycological drama (all manner of "human" drama actually, even though some of the characters aren't human), great acting and writing all around... and the show just keeps getting better and better. The first few episodes of Season 3 were absolutley rivetting.. I have never seen a TV show that was this good. If you are not watching this show... What the blazes is wrong with you?!?!?!? Thanks to the miracle of YouTube here is a clip from the escape from New Caprica scene from the second part of "Exodus".. the tiny YouTube screen doesn't do it justice.. but it is still awesome!
The show has some really cool devices at its disposal that other shows don't... mainly the ability to have more than one "copy" of the same character in existence at the same time... makes for soem really cool stories and plot twists. One of my favorite characters Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii is one such character...
Two other things it has going for it:
This should sum it up for you!