Friday, October 30, 2009


hmmm... now I see what all the hooplah is about...

Plastic Warjacks!!

Starting in January with the release Warmachine Prime MkII, Privateer Press will be releasing Plastic Warjack Kits for all of the factions. I knew they would looks awesome because Privateer Press makes everything look awesome, but wow! They outdid themselves this time. The only thing that makes me sad is that it makes my old metal warjacks look puny. Only one of these warjacks is new (the one above, the Decimator).. the others are plastic versions of the original metal ones, but I may have to buy some just because they are so cool. (even though I already have duplicates of some of the metal ones) I also don't play Khador as my main faction anymore.. I just have specific armies within the faction that I play, so I don't really need a bunch more warjacks.. but man.. they look so cool...

Monday, October 26, 2009

from cleric to cleric...

Well, yesterday was another Pathfinder RPG day down in Philly. Had a great time as always... however.. my character died. I was playing a cleric of Sarenrae (Goddess of the Sun)... and in perfect "bad omen" form... he died stumbling around in the dark. We were exploring a cave of a Medusa.. and only a few rooms in we encountered a room filled with Deeper Darkness, and none of us had enough powerful light spells to counter it... and this dark room was full of Grimlocks... I don't think further explanation is needed. I will say this... Jal Chavali (my character) probably had it coming.

No other character I have ever played has dropped to negative hitpoints more than this one. It took the DM quite a while to get the job done... our gnome sorcerer made a valiant attempt to save me.. he reached my body (mind you this is all happening in pitch blackness, during combat), and find my Wand (Cure Light Wounds). Though at this time at was at -8 HP. So he had two attempts to make his Use Magic Device roll... the DC was 20. He had a skill check of 10, so he had a 50/50 chance... and failed both times.

So now I need to create a new character. Since I was the cleric, and the only healer for the party, it seems I will need to fill that roll again. So my choices would be... Cleric, Paladin, Bard and Druid. I have ruled out Paladin, since there are many melee fighters in our party already (we have 2 Fighters, a Barbarian, and a Sorcerer) and I am leaning against Bard right now as well.. just don't have a good Bard idea at the moment. (and it also takes Bard's awhile before they become good healers). So that leaves Druid and Cleric. And in actuality.. I think I am just gonna go cleric.. but maybe multi-class a bit as Rogue. One of the main gods of Pathfinder is Desna, and she is the goddess of luck, Travel, Stars and Dreams. I thinking a Half-Elf who grew up in the city with his human family... the levels of Rogue represent his city life, and Cleric represents his chosen path... still have to hammer out the details...