Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter weekend

So Easter weekend has come and gone.. can't say it was any different than previous weekends. Still had to work Saturday, and Sunday was a typical Sunday except for the bigger than normal meal at the end of the day. oh.. and a tad bit of easter candy...mmm chocolate/peanut butter eggs...mmmmm.....

The remainder was spent getting caught up on some podcast listening while painting some miniatures. Finished my two Gorax models, and started on the Lord of the Feast. I am hoping to have the Lord and the Druids finished before this weekend.. but that's alot of painting... maybe I should stop typing blogs and do more painting...

I also spent a large portion of the weekend playing a new MMO... Lord of the Rings Online. I am not "fed up" with WoW... I played that a good bit Saturday night.. but I have just been interested in something different. So far I think it is pretty good, but not sure if it is different enough to warrant playing in full... I will play it throughout the Beta.. and see where I stand in a week or so... it certainly has a lot of potential...

Anyway.. its back to the grindstone... gotta finish up the IK adventure for this weekend too... hooray for role-playing once again!

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